A root canal is a dental process to eliminate tooth infections and save a tooth. The process is uncomplicated, but your mouth requires special care afterwards. Excellent care and maintenance ensure the treated tooth heals fast and without complications. Read on to learn about aftercare for a root canal by a dentist near you.
Below are tips to help you care for your mouth after root canal treatment. Following them will ensure a comfortable and successful recovery period.
Your dentist will use anesthesia to prevent pain during a root canal procedure. The medicine causes numbness to your gums and tissues near the tooth being treated. Your mouth will continue being numb for about an hour afterwards. So, do not eat or bite anything until the numbness fades. Eating sooner may cause you to bite on your lips, tongue or inner cheeks.
Keep your mouth clean through brushing at least twice or thrice daily and flossing once. Brush your teeth carefully while avoiding the area of the root canal. Floss gently around the treated tooth to prevent an infection in the future.
After the procedure, you may experience tenderness, swelling and pain. Use the medications prescribed or recommended by your dentist to relieve the symptoms. The drugs will also prevent infections in the treated area.
Avoid strenuous activity for some days after your root canal procedure. Instead, relax for the first 48 hours to avoid excessive bleeding and pain.
Rinse the mouth with some warm salty water after a root canal procedure. Start during the second day following treatment and continue until the site heals. Gargle at least three times a day, particularly after meals. Doing so will prevent infections and reduce inflammation.
Introducing cold things near the treated tooth keeps down inflammation and eases pain. So, use a cold compress on the area or eat ice cream for the first few days after treatment. Leave the cold compress in place for fifteen minutes, then remove it to prevent burning the oral tissues.
Avoid taking foods or beverages that can cause inflammation for the first few days. These include hot drinks, hard foods, and foods that need sucking, such as lollipops. Also, avoid drinking from straws, smoking and taking alcohol. Inflammation causes pain, swelling and slows down healing.
The treated area will be sore and tender for a few days. So, avoid hard foods that put pressure on the gums surrounding the treated tooth. Also, avoid biting the crowned tooth since the crown may dislodge or break. Instead, maintain good nutrition by taking soft, easy-to-eat foods.
Your dentist will schedule follow-up appointments to ensure your endodontic treatment is successful. Keep these appointments even when your mouth seems fine. If you have a temporary crown, ensure that you go for the permanent one at the recommended time. Staying longer than necessary with a temporary crown can jeopardize your treatment.
Proper oral hygiene after root canal treatment is crucial because it promotes healing. Therefore, you should brush and floss carefully after the procedure. Although using mouthwash helps keep your mouth bacteria-free, you should not do it after a root canal.
Most brands of mouthwash contain a lot of alcohol. When you rinse your mouth with them, the alcohol produces a burning effect. It irritates and slows down the healing of your gums. The mouthwash can also kill good bacteria in the mouth, reducing your body’s ability to fight pathogens. As a result, your immunity is reduced, lengthening your recovery period.
Instead of mouthwash, dentists recommend using a saline solution after endodontic treatment. Prepare a salt-water rinse using half a teaspoon of table salt and a cup of warm water. Use it to rinse your mouth at least three times daily, 24 hours after root canal surgery. It will help reduce swelling, pain and prevent infections in and around the treated tooth.
Are you considering root canal treatment? Then contact us at Brookstone Dental Care. Our dental team will provide appropriate treatment. They will perform the root canal, easing any pain and saving your tooth.